We are what we make. Innovative. Reliable. Efficient.

We create highly polished Android apps for startups and enterprise clients, our team's diverse skill set allows us to expertly tailor our services to match your exact needs. From full-service engagements to a la carte services, we help our clients launch the best apps & websites possible. Our renowned strategy & planning team works alongside our world class branding and digital design experts. We create beautiful and engaging designs, matched only by the intuitive and innovative user interfaces that those designs are based on. Our expert development and finishing cap it all off.

Concepting & Strategy

From fully fleshed-out concepts to one-sentence pitches, this is where our team stress-tests every project that comes through SM Coup's doors. We want to know why your idea makes sense, why it's going to be successful, why anyone would care about it. This is where our expert strategists will challenge assumptions and overhaul business plans. Working hand-in-hand with our clients, we take your initial concept and merge it with everything the SM Coup team knows about mobile, about startups, about what does and doesn't work. We turn ideas into actual products. Once we all agree on a general direction, SM Coup's team fleshes out all the details. One of the great benefits of this process is that minutes in strategy translate to an hour in wireframing, a few hours in design, and days or even weeks in development.

Deliverable: The Feature Set

The feature set is your project's bible. It's a plain-English, written description of how your app is going to work. It's what our designers use to come up with designs and our developers use as a guideline for coding. It is the foundation for all the steps to come.

Branding & Design

There are numerous reasons why we've had multiple apps featured in app store. Probably one of the biggest is the solid design behind everything we do. In a crowded marketplace, the perfect design will help your product stand out. It's the first touchpoint you'll have with users, and it's important to make it count. Our diverse group of designers are united by their passion for good design and high-end aesthetic. The ever-so-talented Rob Palmer leads our design team and he ensures that no matter who designs a particular screen, icon, or logo, it always looks and feels like it came from SM Coup. The functionality of your app and how solidly it's coded is critical. But when it comes to first impressions, it's all about design. The look and feel of your app will set the tone for everything else. Our team is deeply experienced and well-trained, with each designer balancing illustrative creativity with a deep understanding of app layout.

Development & Launch

Development isn't just about writing code. The very first step in developing a perfect app is figuring out its architecture. We loop in our lead architect and a team of senior developers to pick the perfect technology stack for your product. When it's time for development to actually start, we assign specialists that match with the technologies selected during the architecture phase. Our agile-based development runs in two-week sprints that result in a new, incremental build at the end of each fortnight, allowing you to regularly review and assess what we're building. Incremental quality assurance analysis means that there are no surprises at the end. And once the app is ready for the public, we launch it to the store and your website goes live. Our team does everything from making sure your desired app name is available in the store to ensuring every app gets through Apple's notoriously fickle acceptance process.


Launching an app is no easy feat. But getting your app to the store is just the only half the battle. When it comes to marketing, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. And so SM Coup has built a robust network of in-house and partner marketing experts.

Getting Expert Help

While your app is in development, we will sit down with you to assess the marketing goals and opportunities for your app, then introduce you to our hand picked roster of experts. From press coverage to explainer videos, we've got you covered.


We offer maintenance packages that cover everything from the occasional checkup all the way up to ongoing feature expansions and whole new versions.

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